The Rohingya
Refugee Crisis

All We Can and the Methodist Church in Britain are calling for support for this urgent appeal for refugees displaced by violence in Myanmar.

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Photo credit: Paul Jeffrey/ACT

The Rohingya
Refugee Crisis

All We Can and the Methodist Church in Britain are calling for support for this urgent appeal for refugees displaced by violence in Myanmar.

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Photo credit: Paul Jeffrey/ACT

Over the past year, more than 700,000 people have fled violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. The majority of those fleeing are Rohingya women and children.

All We Can and the Methodist Church in Britain are calling for generous support for this urgent appeal to assist those seeking refuge in Bangladesh. People are in desperate need of water, food, shelter and access to medical care.

Please give all you can.

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The Rohingya
Refugee Crisis

All We Can and the Methodist Church in Britain are calling for support for this urgent appeal for refugees displaced by the recent violence in Myanmar.

Photo credit: Paul Jeffrey/ACT

In 2017, more than 700,000 people fled violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. The majority of those who fled were Rohingya women and children. Now, nearly a million Rohingya people live in the refugee camps of Bangladesh.

All We Can and the Methodist Church in Britain are calling for continued generous support for this appeal to assist those living in refuge in Bangladesh. People continue to have urgent health and protection needs.

Please give all you can.

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To donate by post, send a cheque made payable to ‘All We Can' to All We Can, 25 Marylebone Rd, London NW1 5JR, stating your gift is for the Rohingya Refugee Crisis Appeal.

To donate by phone or order Gift Aid envelopes for a collection, call us on 020 7467 5132.

You can learn more about the Rohingya Refugee Crisis Appeal and download resources for your church or group on our website.

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